Tuesday, October 20

I just got lost

but i'm not a loser!
tetibe aku teringatkan bende yang dah tak patut diingatkan lagi...
Ya Allah...help me please...my head need to be rest...my heart need a lot of muchs peaceful..so...harap-harap dengan melakukan 'ini'..jiwa saya akan tenang...Amin~


  1. truskn b'doa n yakin ada sinar bahagia akn mnyinari xlama lg..

  2. cheq qaseh...
    a loser can win whenever they want to...
    it doesnt mean that a loser is always a loser.
    a "loser" is a real WINNER!!!

  3. thanks dear~~
    kam0 selalu support saye..
    nnt ade rezeki saye belanje anda big Apple ye~~

  4. haha. big apple lg? adehh..
    saia bg kamoo mam big apple k?
    kamoo bg saia apple je :DD
